Investigating the eBusiness to Business
eB2 Agenda
The Commonwealth Club, London
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30 per cent of the UK's top 1,000 companies consider business-to-business
applications the most important area of new system growth over the next year
According to Dr Simon Moores, there is a perceptual disconnection between
customers and suppliers. "There are two different agendas out there.
End users think the big opportunity is business-to-business e-commerce. But
solution providers are ignoring the evidence and are pushing business-to-consumer
applications." The survey, commissioned by Web Application Company, SilverStream,
targeted senior employees with a responsibility for IT in The Times' top 1,000
Introducing eB2
eB2 is the first DrMoores.Com event to focus exclusively on the eBusiness
to Business proposition. Part one of this multi-faceted seminar, is
being held at the London Commonwealth Club on 18th November and will
involve case studies and presentations from a number of leading IT companies
in support of the business to business proposition, its short and long
term commercial value, risks and facilitation.
Introduced by Sky Television's Business News Editor and presenter,
Michael Wilson, eB2 aims, over time, to become THE regular forum for
discussion, analysis and presentation of new ideas, projects and technologies
surrounding this new and exciting marriage of commerce and technology,
which will revolutionise relationships between companies and their customers
over the next decade.
Michael Wilson Sky Business News anchor
Preamble to today's event by Dr Simon Moores
If we are to speak of driving forces within the growing on-line economy,
then an investigation of the many issues surrounding the delivery of
an effective, reliable and secure, e-Business to Business infrastructure
should lie towards the top of any agenda. A recent survey of Times '1000'
companies, revealed that B2B applications represented a significant
area of new systems growth, with some 15% of organisations, planning
to web-enable mainframe environments over the next twelve months.
Dr Simon Moores
This first DrMoores.Com, eB2 event concerns itself with an overview
of several fundamentals associated with the eBusiness proposition. Most
importantly perhaps, we lead with the sensitive subject of security
in an openly-connected business environment. The Internet is by no means
100% secure and business should be entirely cognisant of the threats
and dangers associated with an IP address and any form of on-line trading
or transaction processing.
Moving beyond the security model leads us to a study of the so-called
'Back-end', the reliability of large 24/7 commercial environments in
an increasingly and globally connected market place. We have invited
Amdahl, a name associated with many of the world's largest commercial
and public systems to examine the infrastructure required of any company
that might sensibly plan to offer a broad scale Business to Business
or Business to Consumer service over the Internet.
Automating business processes and the 'Virtual Value Chain' is an area
that we have asked, Informix, a market leader in database technologies
to explore. No change of this magnitude can occur without consequences
and impact of technology on the current Business to Business process
requires some discussion.
Technically speaking, the move from the traditional business model
towards the e-Business paradigm requires a re-engineering of the business
process. This involves matters surrounding e-Procurement and purchasing
systems, as well currency management and automated workflow.
Softech Consultancy, a company that has built a business automation
process for Dell Computer, has been invited to present a view of the
demands and processes involved, in translating a business into a powerful
virtual presence.
Finally, we have invited Intel to present the company's views on the
Internet economy and what it sees as the essential processes involved
in building a successful European eBusiness.
Registration & Coffee |
Welcome by Michael Wilson, Anchor, Sky News |
"Deep Impact" |
An Analysis of the Security Threat Associated with an e-commerce
Dr Simon Moores, Chairman, Research Group & mi2g Senior
Simon Moores will examine the explosion in electronic commerce projects
in the light of new figures that illustrate a disturbing rise in the
number of organisations compromised and damaged by cyber-criminal activity.
What steps should an organisation be taking to ensure the integrity
and protection of its information and business intelligence? DK Matai,
managing director and founder of mi2g software will assist during
the Q&A session.
eBusiness - Ensuring customers continue to be your customers! |
Malcolm Fleming, Director, Amdahl Global Solutions-------
European Governments are placing new emphasis on companies utilising
the WEB to sell their products both in local and international markets,
but as the companies move from using the Internet to provide online
catalogues to true transaction based systems, the marketplace is seeing
increasing problems.
In the last 4 months, there have been frequent reports in the Financial
Times, Washington Post and other publications of high flying e-business
sites failing to meet the demands of their users, in some cases with
severe impact to their stock price.
Initial e-business success often driven by Marketing, can result in
immense public problems and loss of customers to competition possibly
for good, when the necessary infrastructure to support 7x24worldwide
access and response is not in place. This session will look at the reasons
and implications for business and some thoughts that will assist in
reducing these potential e-business disasters.
Break |
eMarketing and The Value Chain Principal |
Eric Blum, General Manager, Informix----------------------------------
Technology impact - how will changes in telecommunications and computing
impact this area. eMarketing - how will business use this technology
to build virtual value-chains to automate difficult marketing processes
today. Security vs Identity - Establishing someone's true identity in
the digital world. Taxation - The question of transactional liability.
Lunch |
e-Procurement & e-Supply |
Paul Bailey, Director, Softech Consultancy
Having built and deployed pan-European Automations for Dell Computer
Corporation and Johnson Controls, Inc. Softech Consultancy speak from
broad, real world practical experience. From basic language and currency
issues through to supplier maintained e-catalogues, sophisticated authorisation
cycles, supplier relationship management, receipting and invoicing,
this session will explore the boundaries of what can be done to make
the purchasing experience controlled, yet painless. Distributing the
purchasing function with e-procurement and e-supply systems integrated
with core business systems and automated workflow allows the traditional
Purchasing dept to evolve from paper shuffling to a more strategic and
sophisticated supplier management force. This is one realm of BPR that
has immediate measurable ROI with a direct link to organisational profitability.
Destination: Internet Economy |
Gordon Graylish, Director EMEA, Intel Corporation
'Within five years all companies will be Internet companies, or they
won't be companies'. So said the Intel Chairman Dr. Andy Grove in April
1999. That statement forms the core of Intel's seminar series "Destination:
Internet Economy", which is currently being presented at events
around Europe.
The Internet is changing business forever. Companies that do not see
the Internet as a threat, an opportunity, or both, will be left in the
dust as early adopters capture the majority of the benefits. Intel provides
the building blocks that enable the Internet Economy. Our presentation
highlights the three essentials for succeeding as an e-Business and
shows how the technology foundation already in place at your company
can help you on your way. The seminar will be presented by Gordon Graylish,
a Director of Intel EMEA, and includes "real world" case studies
and testimonials.
Question and Answer Session |